Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ripping lots of paper....


  1. Have you thought about photographing things to look like water and/or the ocean? Between this and that cute lego animation, I see it as a very real possibility.

  2. it's paper, but the picture is warped in the instagram app from my phone. oz: i am interested in creating some kind of illusion of ocean water, currents, waves, etc... with different materials other than actual water, but i don't know anything about photography...something to look into though, definitely!

  3. water is definitely emerging as a subject. no surprise there. it also looks like you're working with things in transitions, or transitional states - either/or imagery. solid/liquid, landscape/seascape, etc.
    how did things go at Gallery Joe? curious if you saw any of jacob el hanani's work?
    i'll bring your drawings on Saturday -
